Dear Grace Neighbors:
Change is inevitable in our lives. But all too often we have no say in those changes, we grumble, and we go on.
Your Board wants your input. We propose to establish a committee under the chairmanship of Bobby Hawkins to review our current Residential Standards and Guidelines. The goal of that committee would be to identify inconsistencies, “gray areas”, and confusion between the Guidelines and our Covenants. That group would also propose revisions to Guideline wording to bring them more in line with the current needs of our community.
We are continuing to evolve as a community. What Windsong provided us at the outset was a ‘cookie cutter’ set of rules based on other properties in its portfolio. Grace is different from their norm: I suggest we are better. We need to tailor our rules to reflect what we want (if possible).
The Board is asking for volunteers for this committee. Here is your opportunity to be heard.Please make your interest known either through our comment box in the clubhouse, or to Scott Davis’ e-mail below.
Thank you,
Scott ([email protected])