Dear Grace Neighbors,

For those of you who could not attend our semi-annual Board meeting on 4/21, we would like to repeat a couple of points mentioned that day.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to Chuck Barnes for volunteering to fill the Board vacancy resulting from Pat B’s moving plans. He will serve in that role until the October election at our annual Board meeting.

Several neighbors have remarked that trash containers at some addresses are being put at the curb before the required time of 5PM. If you have a situation occasionally that makes this impossible, please consider asking a neighbor to lend a hand. Likewise for the container’s return the next day.

We reported that dusk-to-dawn lighting was under investigation for our clubhouse patio to discourage intruders. These have now been installed. We would like to publicly thank Pedro Perez for assisting the Board in this endeavor. If you see an intruder, call the sheriff.

Best regards

Grace Board