Good morning!   At last, we got here!  

The final touches on our new irrigation system were 1) the installation of the grounding rods, part of the lightning protection system and 2) the defining and programming of the actual schedules. Both tasks were completed Friday of last week. Check out the photo of Brock and Jack of Landscape Workshop…. Thanks guys!  It has been bumpy road but finally we are ready to test it. 

 First, some background.

The system controls two programs or sequences of irrigation which in turn control specific areas and on which days as well as how long to water.  Program #1 will run on Monday, Thursday and Saturday and Program #2 will run on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.  Each will begin at midnight and run for about seven hours, activating each zone sequentially for the designated period of time.

Attached are two PDF files for your information.  One is a map of Grace by Windsong showing the approximate location of each zone .  Notice that although there are common areas with corresponding zones, by and large each home has its own zone and for the most part, there is a logical sequence to the numbering system.  That is the sequence that the programs will follow

The second attachment is the current schedule (which is not set in stone and subject to tweaking if and when it’s deemed necessary).  It may seem a bit cryptic but it’s pretty straightforward.  The columns are; Zone Number, Rotors (R) or Sprinklers (S), Program Number, Active Days for that Program, Run Time (how long to water) and lastly, the Start Time for that zone. Notice that the start time increases sequentially based on the previous line, i.e. the zone following the one that starts at 12:00 AM and runs for 8 minutes, starts at 12:08 AM.  Keep that in mind, it will come into play a little later.

Referring back to the earlier point, as I explained, the programmed sequence is as it appears on the attachment, however, if there is a mechanical or electrical failure or error in a given zone, the controller will skip it and immediately go on to the next one so the start time will be different from that which is shown on the sheet.  All following zones will start earlier by however long the erroneous zone was supposed to run. That start time difference will carry through to the end of the program run.  It is worth noting that if (maybe “when” is a better term) an error does occur, it will be flagged by the controller and it (the controller) will email a system administrator with a description of the problem…. one of the major advantages of this new system that we’ve installed.

Two final notes.  Nothing is scheduled to run into Tuesday mornings since that is the day that the Landscape Workshop crew comes in to do their regular maintenance and the last thing we need is wet lawns while they are mowing.  Secondly, I’d like to extend a great big “Thank You” to my neighbor, Chuck Storla, for his help in publishing past notices in and out of the newsletter schedule as we’ve needed.  When we’ve asked, he’s come through and hopefully will continue to do so,  This email is an exception because of its length and several attachments.  Thank You Chuck for your help and cooperation (and for editing out my typos and misspellings!).

There are a few homeowners for whom we have no email information or what we have is not valid.  If you know of anyone who has not received this email, please have them get in touch with me and we’ll either add them to the list or hand deliver a copy of the email.

Questions, concerns or suggestions are welcome.

For the Landscape Committee,

Len Sánchez

[email protected]

Kayaking, what could be better?