We’re proud to share our new resident welcome guide! We hate to see anyone leave our community but if a home becomes available the new homeowner only gets a kit from Tolley which provides information to set up HOA fee payment and a few county details.We wanted something more relevant to our community and this brochure is the result of an enormous amount of work to provide helpful information.
I’d like to thank Pat Davis for going to new homeowners and asking what questions they had when they moved in, Karin Storla who contributed the original welcome information, Twila McMullan who helped with editing, pictures and coordinating the publication of the brochure, and last but not least Sarah Andrews who designed and created the format of the brochure!
Finally a special thanks to Pat Davis who has agreed to be our ‘welcome ambassador’. She’s met with our new folks and gave them the brochure and a small succulent plant.

You can download a copy of the brochure using this link.