As a result of weather, a large tree fell on the north end of the dog park destroying a section of the north fencing.  While evaluating the situation with the landscape company, it was discovered that a second large tree near the center of the dog park had developed rot at the base and would present a future hazard to life and property

After expert consultation, the board decided that the most cost-effective solution to this situation was to remove the rotting tree in the center of the dog park and relocate the north fencing to the center of the dog park area.

Thanks to the efforts of our Landscape Committee Chair, Steve McMullan, the board of directors received multiple bids on resolving the problem.  It was determined that in the long term it was more cost effective to reduce the park size to half and therefore not have to remove the downed trees at much greater expense.  

Tree Service N More offered a discount to cut up the downed tree and take down the rotted tree for $1500 (cost to take down the rotted tree separately would be $1350).  Mauldin & Cook will install 46 ft. of new fence for $1,000.  Total cost is $2,500.  Based on savings of $940 in mulch every two years with the smaller dog park area, the current expense would be recovered in four years.