Landscape Guidelines

As outlined in the current Guidelines on page 12 paragraph 1: All  homeownersare requested not to communicate with the landscape maintenance crew regarding HOA provided services.  All requests must be directed by the homeowners to either the landscape committee chairperson, currently Steve McMullan @ [email protected], submit a written request in the Comment Box located in the clubhouse or send an email to [email protected]

The reason for this is two-fold.  First, the landscape chairperson will be creating a weekly task list for the landscape contractor so the HOA can track and evaluate their service performance and ensure all landscape issues are addressed expeditiously.Secondly, homeowner conversations with the crew takes time away from the tasks they are here to perform which negatively impacts service to the entire community and potentially incurs additional cost not budgeted.

Open Board Position for Secretary

Anyone interested in serving their community as a HOA board member needs to submit their candidacy now. The HOA secretary is responsible for keeping the official records of the board and association. But it’s much more than just clerical work. Community records are extremely valuable, and the person in charge of them holds critical information in their hands. If your association doesn’t have the right secretary on board, it can lead to legal problems, financial risks, confusion, and more.

What makes a good board secretary?

The role of an HOA secretary shouldn’t get taken lightly, and finding the correct person for the job can be tough. To ensure the success of the board—and community—you should look for someone who obtains the following qualities to serve as the secretary:

  • Well-organized
  • Responsible
  • Detailed
  • Timely
  • Communicative